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2006 2005 2004
T. Horai, T. Wada, Y. Saito,, Y. Makino, M. Ashida, H. Ishihara,
Proposed Optical Manipulation of Nanoparticles to Access and Select Emission Lines,
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Ai I. Osaka, Masaya Nagai, Shingo Genchi, Boyuan Yu. Rui, Li, Hui Ren, Hiroki Momono, Goro Isoyama, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Azusa N. Hattori,
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Y. Minowa, Y. Yasui, T. Nakagawa, S. Inui, M. Tsubota, M. Ashida,
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M. Nagai, S. Watanabe, R. Imamura, M. Ashida, K. Shimoyama, H. Li, A. N. Hattori and H. Tanaka,
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Y. Makino, Y. Saito, Y. Minowa, A. Tsurui, Y. Kishino, T. Kouuchi, Y. Takeuchi, G. Yamagishi, and M. Ashida,
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E. Matsubara, M. Nagai, and M. Ashida,
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K. Strecker, M. Otto, M. Nagai, J. F. O’Hara and R. Mendis ,
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S. Sasaki, J. Naoi, M. Takamune, D. Kondo, Y. Takahashi, M. Kumakura, M. Ashida, and Y. Moriwaki,
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H. Takehara, M. Nagai, M. Ashida, Y. Okuyama, and Y. Kani,
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M. Nagai, Y. Higashitani, M. Ashida, K. Kusakabe, H. Niioka, A. N. Hattori,
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Terahertz-induced martensitic transformation in partially stabilized zirconia,
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M. Nagai, Y. Furutani, H. Takehara, M. Ashida, Y. Okuyama, and Y. Kani,
Mechanisms of photoluminescence in cerium oxide pellets with different types of defects,
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H. Takehara, M. Nagai, M. Ashida, Y. Okuyama, and Y. Kani,
Determining the Atomic Arrangement near the Oxygen Vacancy in Yttrium-Doped Barium Zirconate by Photoluminescence Spectroscopy,
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Y. Makino, Y. Saito, H. Takehara, A. Tsurui, N. Okuyama, M. Ashida,
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Y. Makino, T. Yoshikawa, A. Tsurui, M. Liu, G. Yamagishi, M. Nishikawa, T. Mahiko, M. Ohno, M. Ashida, N. Okuyama,
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Y. Minowa, K. Kato, S. Ueno, T. W. Penny, A. Pontin, M. Ashida and P. F. Barker,
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H. Ren, A. I. Osaka, A. N. Hattori, B. Yu, M. Nagai, M. Ashida, B. Li, C. Zou, and H. Tanaka,
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T. Otabara, J. Tatebayashi, S. Hasegawa, D. Timmerman, S. Ichikawa, M. Ichimiya, M. Ashida and Y. Fujiwara,
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Y. Minowa, S. Aoyagi, S. Inui, T. Nakagawa, G. Asaka, M. Tsubota, M. Ashida,
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Y. Minowa, X. Geng, K. Kokado, K. Sato, T. Kameyama, T. Torimoto, and M. Ashida,
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M. Takamune, S. Sasaki, D. Kondo, J. Naoi, M. Kumakura, M. Ashida, and Y. Moriwaki,
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M. Nagai, Y. Furutani, H. Takehara, T. Morimoto, M. Ashida, Y. Okuyama,
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S. Ichikawa, Y. Sasaki, T. Iwaya, M. Murakami, M. Ashida, D. Timmerman, J. Tatebayashi, and Y. Fujiwara,
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K. Miyagawa, M.Nagai, M.Ashida, C. Kim, and H. Akiyama,
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N. Tanimoto, M. Nagai, M. Ashida, Y. Okuyama and Y. Kani,
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E. Matsubara, M. Nagai, M. Ashida,
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Y. Makino, T. Mahiko, M. Liu, A. Tsurui, T. Yoshikawa, S. Nagamachi,
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T. Handa, T. Yamada, M. Nagai, and Y. Kanemitsu,
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M. Tsubouchi, H. Hoshina, M.Nagai and G. Isoyama,
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D. Timmerman, E. Matsubara, L. Gomez, M. Ashida, T. Gregorkiewicz, and
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Y. Kanemitsu, T. Yamada, T. Handa, and M. Nagai,
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D. Denier van der Gon, D. Timmerman, Y. Matsude, S. Ichikawa, M. Ashida,
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D. Timmerman, B. Mitchell, S. Ichikawa, M. Nagai, M. Ashida, and Y. Fujiwara,
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Y. Minowa, S. Kuramoto, T. Kameyama, T. Torimoto, M. Ashida,
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M. Ichimiya, T. Kameyama, T. Torimoto, T. Uematsu, S. Kuwabata, M. Ashida,
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K. Kawase, M. Nagai, K. Furukawa, M. Fujimoto, R. Kato, Y. Honda, and G.
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M. Nagai, A Nakane, H. Suzukawa, T. Morimoto, and M. Ashida,
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T. Matsuda, M. Ichimiya, M. Ashida, H. Ishihara,
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T. Morimoto, M. Nagai, Y. Minowa, M. Ashida, Y. Yokotani, Y. Okuyama &
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T. Kinoshita, T. Matsuda, T. Takahashi, M. Ichimiya, M. Ashida, Y. Furukawa,
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T. Omatsu, M. Ashida, Y. Arita,
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M. Kobayashi, Y. Arashida, G. Yamashita, E. Matsubara, M. Ashida, J. A.
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M. Ichimiya, T. Matsuda, T. Kinoshita, M. Nakayama, H. Ishihara, M. Ashida,
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M. Nagai, T. Tomioka, M. Ashida, M. Hoyano, R. Akashi,
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K. Miyagawa, M. Nagai, G. Yamashita, M. Ashida, C. Kim, H. Akiyama, and
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Y. Minowa, T. Suzuki, K. Setoura, S. Ito, H. Miyasaka, M. Ashida,
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Y. Minowa, Y. Toyota, and M. Ashida,
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M. Nagai, S. Aono, M. Ashida, K. Kawase, A. Irizawa and G. Isoyama,
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Reported on "Laser Focus World Japan, January 2010", World News
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